betty (leblogdebetty.com)


Chiara (theblondesalad.com)

Sabrina (afterdrk.com)

in Florence took place one of the most important meetings of bloggers a few days ago, "three magical days" so they described each other. forty bloggers from around the world attended this event. Special guests were Neil Barrett and Eva Cavalli. Some new guests as Betty (leblogdebetty.com) some not so new as Andy (stylescrapbook.com), Chiara (theblondesalad.com), sabrina (afterdrk.com) etc. hit the town with great pictures and of course with the colaboration of Luisa Via Roma and the fabulous outfits from top designers with the latest spring summer collection 2011.
I hope some day to attend an event like that;)
P.D. every picture in this post belong to each blog.